Information Governance

Information Management and Knowledge Preservation

Electronic and Online Registries are Possible. A Lesson from Uganda’s Fully Online Registry for Movable Collateral

Gone are the days when a lender or their representative had to run to the Registrar of Chattel Securities with three copies of their Chattel mortgage documents to have them stamped and signed as proof of perfecting the security interest. On 31 May 2019, Uganda commenced the Security Interest in Movable Property Act 2019 repealing…

The Need for Proper Company Records Management: Lessons from the COVID-19 Pandemic

A company’s memory resides in its records. Records Management is a paramount component of any business especially for continuity. The COVID-19 pandemic has tested and exposed this particular component at a time when the whole world suddenly shut down without warning. For an organisation that had not invested or taken keen interest in records management,…