
Understanding Divine Purpose and Destiny

Embark on a transformative journey with “Discovering Divine Purpose and Destiny.” Whether you’re feeling lost and searching for direction or simply seeking to deepen your understanding of your God-given calling, through personal stories and timeless wisdom, this book this book offers invaluable insights to uncover your unique God-given purpose. Learn how to discern divine opportunities, overcome obstacles, and find fulfillment. Join the author on a path of self-discovery and embrace your destiny today.

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Because I Matter!

This book contains Bible affirmations picked from scriptures, accompanied by girl and women friendly pictures for colouring. Colour as you soak in who you are in Christ in God to overcome negativity, fear and doubt. It also has a provision for taking notes as the Spirit of God expounds these affirmations in your spirit. Grab a copy for yourself, your girl or woman in your life.

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