All, bible promises, Life-sketch Diary

Trust in the Lord with all your heart!

Proverbs 3:5 Trust in the LORD with all your heart, And lean not on your own understanding.

I relate trust to a baby and the trust it has in its mother. I have watched babies of different animals (chicken, carfs, kittens, puppies, humans among others) and I am always amazed at how much a baby trusts in their mother’s love. They fully trust that their mothers hold their existence and survival in life. For example; chicken learn to scratch and peck from their mother and get warmth in her feathers. New born babies instinctively identify their mother from the rest and immediately trust that their mother’s breast is the one to feed them. How much more can it be if we put our trust in God; the one who holds all creation, full of unlimited understanding and so infinite. He knows every step we will take even before we take it.
Why not trust Him today? Trust in the Lord with all your heart and do not lean on your own understanding. Verse 6 of the same chapter says that ‘in every way acknowledge Him and He shall direct your path’.
Inquire of Him on every step to take and you will live in contentment.

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