All, bible promises, Life-sketch Diary

I have received of God’s fullness!

John 1:16 And of His fullness we have all received, and grace for grace.

God is grace. From the very beginning, this grace has always been and through Christ we have received of the same (grace for grace).

I am totally dominated by Him. What I do or have is not out of my own ability but His – right from the source (his fullness). There is God’s continuous refilling so that there is no time I run empty. I pursue my destiny in him to the very end with his divine ability upon me every moment.

Prayer: Thank you Lord for your grace upon grace on me. Thank you for being my ever full source which never runs out. I therefore walk this course of life, pursuing your call upon my life with this confidence that you are with me and my cup will never run dry. In the name of Jesus. Amen.